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Let's talk fireproof facade! 🔥   The Trèfle d'Or building in Lancy (GE) combines offices, shops and housing and incorporates fire-resistant facades. Along the four-lane Route de Saint-Julien, the aluminium post-and-beam façade on the upper floors meets the EI30 fire standard, while the ground floor complies with...

Magazine Fassade/Façade 2-2024 Extract: Parc du Simplon - Cervin building Lausanne ==> Fassade_Parc du Simplon - Cervin building...

Join Killian Ruffieux on his professional journey as he takes part in the RTS programme 'Mission apprentis' - an exciting adventure not to be missed!   If, as a future apprentice, this report has made you want to know a little more about the metalworker's trade, you...

Magazine Construction & Bâtiment no 5 2023 Extract: Aéroport International Genève AIG – Tribag ==> Construction & Bâtiment_AIG Tribag...

Magazine Fassade/Façade 4-2023 Extract: Ecole primaire des Plaines-du-Loup Lausanne ==> Fassade_Ecole Plaine-du-Loup...

Magazine Construction & Bâtiment no 4 2023 Extract:  Immeuble Trèfle d'Or Lancy ==> Construction & Bâtiment_Trèfle d'Or...

Renovation of the building at Rue de Villamont 19 in Lausanne We installed more thermally efficient profiles. On the upper floors, we replaced the double glazing (estimated value 2.6 W/m2K) with triple glazing with two layers of thermal protection (U value = 0.6 W/m2K) for the...

FOCUS on one of the many unique panels of the BäreTower.  This unique load-bearing panel is located on the 9th floor of the tower. It is Z-shaped and has a groove at the bottom to allow the blind to pass under the cantilevered slab. The image...

Let’s go and dive into the new school of metal designers/constructors   The inauguration took place on Thursday, 4th November 2021. Sixteen motivated young people embarked on this adventure and we will follow their outstanding achievements throughout their careers. We wish everyone a good school start! For further information please...