
Immeuble Av. Villamont 19 Lausanne

Renovation of the building at Rue de Villamont 19 in Lausanne

We installed more thermally efficient profiles. On the upper floors, we replaced the double glazing (estimated value 2.6 W/m2K) with triple glazing with two layers of thermal protection (U value = 0.6 W/m2K) for the windows on the west façade. This enabled us to reduce the Uw-value of the old façade from approx. 2.8 W/m2K to 1.3 W/m2K for the new façade. 

This is even more obvious in the case of the aluminium mullion on the ground floor. We replaced 8 mm monolithic glass (estimated U-value = 5.6 W/m2K) with triple glazing with a thermal and a solar layer (U-value = 0.6 W/m2K).  We were able to reduce the Uw-value of the old façade from approx. 5.1 W/m2K to 0.7 W/m2K for the new façade. 

Sottas Construction métallique Charpente Façade Stahl- und Metallbau_Fassade Metallic constructions-Steel structure Facades

RC3 test bevor testing

Sottas Construction métallique Charpente Façade Stahl- und Metallbau_Fassade Metallic constructions-Steel structure Facades

RC3 test after test

The RC2 and RC3 burglary tests were revalidated on 20 December 2022 by experts from the Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH), who came to our workshops to test the façade prototypes. 

For the certification of the glass roof with the Sottas 50, we obtained the following certification: 



Texte alternatif => Sottas Construction métallique Charpente Façade Stahl- und Metallbau_Fassade Metallic constructions-Steel structure Facades

Testing the canopy in our test centre in Bulle